
By Cindy Q. Gibson
By sharing my testimony, it is not my intent to bring up "old things" for 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature. The old things have passed away. All things become new." But it is through the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony that we are made over comers (Revelation 12:11). So it is my prayer that by sharing my past and where God has brought me from that my Father in heaven will be glorified and that others will realize that He is no respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). What He has done for me He wants to do for you.



My story starts with a picture that was made in 1971. I was only six years old at the time. I remember all of my family riding motorcycles and I wanted one of my own. I was not quite big enough for a two-wheeler so my father built me a homemade three-wheeler. I was destined to ride a trike from the beginning. My childhood was not all bad - materially I had about anything I wanted. I had horses, dirt bikes, just about anything a child could ask for - except a "happy" home. My father traveled a lot, drank a lot and my mother struggled with depression. I was raised in a family where alcohol and drugs were a part of everyday life. I had my first taste of beer before kindergarten. I got "drunk" for the first time when I was eleven years old. I smoked pot for the first time when I was thirteen years old. I became sexually active at fifteen. At sixteen, I was pregnant and married (because it was the 'right' thing to do). My first marriage was a very rocky one but somehow managed to last ten years - through numerous affairs, alcohol abuse and prescription drug abuse. I lived off of diet pills such as Fastin to maintain my weight. My family has a history of obesity and I was terrified of becoming "fat". I got my "fix" or thrills by seeing just how many men I could get to cheat on their wives. (It was a sick mentality - I know) Actually at one point I was just a "high class hooker" because the definition of prostitute is one that trades sex for money. I had several "sugar daddies" which is basically the same thing as prostitution. In 1992, I left my first husband, and my ten year old son and I moved back in with my parents. A week later I met Rick - who later became my second (and LAST!) husband. God had a plan for me even when I was lost. Rick and I started dating and he introduced me to more drugs including Crank. That became my drug of choice. Again it was so I could keep my weight off. My days became a time of drinking, drugging and partying. Never worrying about anyone but myself. Rick and I married in 1993 and the partying continued even worse than before. I had become an alcoholic and a Crank addict. My second marriage was now falling apart and I was battling depression and suicidal thoughts. My life was a mess! In the early part of 1995 my father turned his life over to the Lord and the rest of my family followed. By the summer of '95 my whole family including my son were in church and serving the Lord. Except me, of course! I was worse than ever. I was running from God - just as I had since I was eleven years old. You see, I got 'saved' at age eleven in a school program when someone shared the gospel with me - but shortly after, I started running from the Lord. I knew I had a call on my life but I kept saying "maybe later, Lord. I need to live a little first" . Well, I had been living for 30 years by now and had only made a big mess of my life. In October of 1995, I casually mentioned to Rick that maybe we needed to start going to church and he AGREED! The Lord had been dealing with him at the same time but we were both afraid to share it with each other for fear of rejection. What a mighty God we serve! We started attending church on sundays but still partying continuously. On November 26, 1995 a miracle took place. God saved this wretched sinner and set my feet on solid ground - the rock of JESUS! It was such a glorious day. He delivered me instantly of my addictions including alcohol, drugs and pornography. He has since delivered me from depression and other mental problems, too. Of course, I am a work in progress. God is still doing a work on me and will continue until I receive my glorified body in heaven but He has brought me a long way from where I was. I praise Him for that every day and I thank Him for what I went through so that I can now use it to minister to others more effectively. That is what it is all about - winning others into His kingdom and seeing them set free by His grace and mercy. My GOD is an AWESOME GOD!! Now He has called me to go out into the highways and hedges to compel them to come in and that is what our motorcycle ministry is all about - seeing lives changed through JESUS!

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