by Chase B.

There's a greater day on the horizon,
It's just on the other side
Of this journey you've partaken,
Leaving all the negative behind.

You have striven to be transformed
No matter what the cost ,
And have given everything you had
In thanks that you're no longer lost.

For your willingness to surrender
And to made broken
You are now more whole than ever
Because of the words the Lord has spoken.

With a personal word or touch of grace
He has seen you through,
Because there is nothing in this world
To make Him stop loving you.

He made you promises out of Love
To help you look ahead
So you would not only see the darkness
But see the horizon instead.

(This was written by a young inmate who has been graciously mentored by an older inmate for several years now. Don't be duped by lies that all in prison are forever bad and should be punished and condemned forever. Many there, even with life sentences, have made choices that multitudes on the outside still need to make. Chase, thank you for your faithfulness to God. You are an example and inspiration to the rest of us!) Nancy
By Chase B.
How could I do such a thing?
How could I inflict so much pain?
How could I end the life that gave me one?
How could I solve my problems with a gun?
Fire blazes in my eyes,
Ice runs in my veins.
Everything is dark.
I'm alone.

How could I quake so many people's world?
How could I destroy someone's little girl?
How could I become so full of hate,
Blinded entirely to any other way?
My heart constricts in my chest.
My shoulders are heavy laden.
Everything is dark.
I'm alone.

How could I throw it all away?
How could I not see a better day?
How could I resolve never to be with you again?
How could I determine this is how it should end?

How could I do that?

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